Coding Projects

Here are descriptions and links of several personal coding projects. As of 2024, they're showing their age; some are more janky than others. I'm proud of these little monstrosities/monsters, nonetheless.

Live demos are available for Cinescout, Bad Banana, and Sentence Cow.

The source code for these projects and others can be found on GitHub.

Cinescout 🎞
IMDB-like website where users can learn about films and read movie reviews thanks to API data from The Movie Database and The New York Times.* Users can also browse through a list of critically-acclaimed films from The Criterion Collection, as well as save movies to a 'What-To-Watch' list for later reference.
*Feature currently unavailable due to NYT API changes in 2023.
Demo / GitHub / Video
Bad Banana 🙈
A SPA game to hone your mental-math skills. Web version of original CLI game.
Demo / GitHub / Gif
Sentence Cow 🐄
Web tool that extracts sentences from a text.
Demo / GitHub
Shadow House 👻
A mini text-based game of a supernatural persuasion.
Docker / GitHub
sqlite3backup 📀
Python script and module that backs up an sqlite3 database file using sqlite3's backup function.
CS50W Projects 🎓 GitHub / Videos